1. BBEST - 1st Brazilian Bioenergy Science and Technology Conference - First Annoucement
First Brazilian Bionergy Science and Technology Conference
Campos do Jordão, São Paulo, Brazil.
August, 14th-18th, 2011
The Conference is open for Paper submissions!
Register now and submit your work for a Parallel or Poster Section
Information: bbest@bbest.org.br
Fonte: Brazilian BioEnergy Science and Technology Conference
Eleven previous Florida Conferences held each March for the years 2000 through 2010 inclusive, brought together the academic and industrial communities with an abundance of heterocyclic and synthetic chemistry reflecting the current interest in the subject. The program holds particular interest for the industrial chemical community where pharmaceuticals, agrochemicals and colorants usually contain at least one heterocyclic ring.
This, the 12th Florida Heterocyclic and Synthetic Conference, continues in the tradition of its highly successful predecessors. Registration will start on Sunday, March 6th with a Welcome Reception. On Monday the 7th through Wednesday the 9th, the Conference will feature eleven plenary lectures given by academic and industrial experts from around the world together with invited lectures and short courses on heterocyclic topics. A poster session combined with a buffet supper will be held on the evening of Monday, March 7th. A wine reception and conference banquet are scheduled for the evening of Tuesday, March 8th. The conference closes with a farewell party on the evening of Wednesday, March 9th.
More information
Fonte: Luiz Carlos Dias (UNICAMP)
3. 20th International Conference on Ion Beam Analysis
We are pleased to invite you to attend the 20th International Conference on Ion Beam Analysis to be held at Plaza Itapema Resort & Spa, Itapema - Santa Catarina, Brazil in April 2011.
Conference Chairs:
Pedro L. Grande (Institute of Physics - UFRGS) and Fernanda C. Stedile (Institute of Chemistry - UFRGS)
Conference Manager:
Maria Lúcia Yoneama
Institute of Physics - UFRGS - Caixa Postal 15051 - Campus do Vale - 91501-970 - Porto Alegre - RS - BRAZIL
e-mail: secretariat@iba2011.org
Site: http://www.iba2011.org
Fonte: Fernanda Chiarello Stedile (IQ-UFRGS)
4. International Symposium on Industrial Crystallization - ISIC 18
Dear colleague:
It is our pleasure to update you about the International Symposium on
Industrial Crystallization - ISIC 18 - that will be held at ETH Zurich
(Zurich, Switzerland) on September 13-16, 2011.
Abstract submission is now open on the conference web sitewww.isic18.ch,
and will be possible until February 14, 2011. Please note that you should
use the template that is provided, that abstracts should be two to four
pages long, and that figures illustrating your results are welcome. Contrary
to previous editions of the same conference, this is the only abstract
submission that is required, i.e. no extended abstract for the conference
proceedings will be requested.
We would also like to encourage you to download from the conference web site
and to print the ISIC 18 flyer, where all the key information is reported.
We should be very pleased if you could use it to promote the conference
among your colleagues and peers.
We are in the process of finalizing the budgeting phase of the ISIC 18
organization. The final registration fees will be provided on the conference
web site before the deadline for abstract submission. Nevertheless, we would
like to anticipate that we are targeting registration fees in the range of
350 to 500 Euros (including conference material, lunches, coffee breaks, and
conference dinner) with the lower bound for students and the upper bound for
regular delegates.
We look forward to receiving your abstract and to seeing you next year in
Zurich at ISIC 18.
For more information: http://www.isic18.ch
Fonte: Béatrice Biscans and Marco Mazzotti (ISIC 18)
| |
SBQ: Av. Prof. Lineu Prestes, 748 - Bloco 3 superior, sala 371 -
CEP 05508-000 - Cidade Universitária - São Paulo, Brasil |
Fone: +55 (11) 3032-2299 |