1. QUITEL 2011 - Riviera Maya, Mexico, December 4-9, 2011
More than 30 confirmed Plenary/Invited Lecturers
On behalf of the Organizing Committee for the XXXVII Congress of Theoretical Chemists of Latin Expression, I have great pleasure in inviting theoretical and computational chemists to Quitel 2011, to be held in Riviera Maya, Mexico, from December 4-9, 2011. Surely, this is a great opportunity to strengthen the academic cooperation and ties among our community of Latin related Theoretical Chemists.
Following its long tradition, during this event, the state of the art of several branches of Theoretical Chemistry will be explored through plenary and invited lectures delivered by experts. It will also provide the opportunity to other members of our community, researchers and students, to present and discuss their work through oral communications and poster sessions
Contributions in all areas of methods development and applications in theoretical chemistry are welcome.
The venue will be Hotel Barceló Maya Palace Deluxe, which is located in one of the most beautiful beaches in the Mayan Riviera, in the famous Mexican Caribbean. We are certain that the academic program and the attractive location will make Quitel 2011 in Mexico an unforgettable occasion.
Don’t miss it!
Fonte: Gabriel Merino (Quitel 2011)
2. European Summerschool in Quantum Chemistry 2011
Hotel Torre Normanna near Palermo, Sicily, Italy
September 18 - October 1 2011
The European summerschool in quantum chemistry will take place for the 13th time from September 18 to October, 2011. The goal of the school is to introduce the participants to modern methods and computational techniques in quantum chemistry. More and more scientists in different fields of chemistry are using theoretical methods in their research, either as a technique per se, or as a complement to experimental work. As a result there is a growing need to acquire the background knowled ge necessary for skilful use of these methods. The European Summer School in Quantum Chemistry (ESQC) was started with the aim of disseminating such knowledge. The first school was held in August 1989 under the direction of the late Björn Roos. The emphasis of the school is more on understanding than on the technical aspects of methods and much time will be devoted to the discussion of different electronic structure problems and the choice of appropriate methods for their solution. The course will consist of both lectures and tutorials.
For more information, click here.
Fonte: Ana Elizabete de Araújo Machado (UFMG)
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CEP 05508-000 - Cidade Universitária - São Paulo, Brasil |
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