1. 13th Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Users Meeting
De 2 a 6 de maio próximo, será realizado, em Angra dos Reis (RJ), o 13º Encontro de Usuários de Ressonância Magnética Nuclear 2011. A reunião tem o objetivo de propiciar a troca de informações científicas e técnicas, entre especialistas das várias áreas de utilização e fornecedores. O prazo final para envio de trabalhos é 13 de março de 2011. Veja o site do evento.
Fonte: Sonia Maria Cabral de Menezes (AUREMN)
2. 2nd Conference of the Brazilian Association for Aerosol Research
PUC-Rio, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
1-5 August 2011
On behalf of the Brazilian Association for Aerosol Research, we cordially invite you to join us in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, for our 2nd Conference in 2011! This is your opportunity to meet with other aerosol scientists and learn of the latest advances in all frontiers of aerosol science and technology. In addition to presenting your most recent results, you can renew past acquaintances, meet new colleagues, and network with academia, government, and industry researchers.
More information
Fonte: Sérgio Machado Corrêa (UERJ)
3. 2011 International Conference on Chemical Engineering (CEN2011)
The conference is one of the special tracks within the World Congress on Engineering and Technology (CET2011). International Conference on Chemical Engineering(CEN2011), to be held, in Shanghai China, 28-30 October, 2011. The purpose of the CEN2011 is to bring together researchers, engineers and practitioners interested in the advances and applications of Chemical Engineering.
Click here for more information, or gustgarb@yahoo.com.br
Fonte: Gustavo Stoppa Garbellini (CEN2011 Committee)
4. 22nd European Conference on Diamond, Diamond like Materials, Carbon Nanotubes and Nitrides
September 4-8, 2011 Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany
Diamond is a leading international conference in the fields of diamond, DLC (diamond-like carbon), carbon nano-tubes, graphene, and nitrides. It brings together scientists and engineers with both fundamental and applied interests in these fields. At the conference, you will learn of the state-of-art as well as future trends of carbon and nitrides related applications.
The conference will discuss the significant improvements in material growth processes, material purity and doping of these materials over the past few years. The improvements have led to the discovery of new phenomena in these materials as well as to novel device applications with increasingly impressive performance levels.
For the complete meeting details including sponsorship & exhibition opportunities, click here.
Fonte: Ana Elizabete de Araújo Machado (UFMG)
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CEP 05508-000 - Cidade Universitária - São Paulo, Brasil |
Fone: +55 (11) 3032-2299 |