1. 2014
In celebration of the International Year of Crystallography
In the period of 12 to 15 October 2014, in Fortaleza/CE during the Symposium will celebrate 100 years of crystallography. The symposium will be the first event scientific crystallography to be held in the Northeast and brings together professionals and students working in the area of materials characterization by X-ray diffraction, electrons and neutrons, as well as other states of Brazil, involving all the major areas of knowledge that use diffraction techniques.
The theme of the symposium, 100 Years of crystallography, due to the fact that the year 2014 was chosen by the International Union of Crystallography - IUCr, as the International Year of Crystallography (see page http://www.iycr2014.org /) in commemoration of the 100th anniversary of the awarding of the Nobel physics prize to Max von Laue, in 1914, due to his work on x-ray diffraction in crystals. The experiment performed by two collaborators (W. Friedrich and P. Knipping) in crystal Cu sulfate, idealized by von Laue, opened the way for Sir William and Sir Laurence Bragg would determine the arrangement of atoms in crystals. In a short time this acquired knowledge revolutionized besides physics and chemistry of the solid state, microbiology with the discovery of DNA structure, the development of computers and new materials, and nowadays chemical drugs for prolonging human life.
More information
Fonte: Jose Marcos Sasaki (UFC)
2. VII Encontro Nacional de QuÃmica Ambiental
O VII Encontro Nacional de QuÃmica Ambiental, será realizado entre os dias 06 e 09 de outubro de 2014 na cidade de BrasÃlia/DF.
Criado em 1990 e retomado em 2003, o ENQAmb tem sido realizado bianualmente desde sua terceira edição em 2006. O evento contará com a participação de profissionais, pesquisadores e estudantes de quÃmica e áreas afins que compartilham interesse mútuo no desenvolvimento de estudos relacionados ao ambiente.
As inscrições podem ser feitas em www.enqamb2014.unb.br
Fonte: Fernando Fabriz Sodré (UnB)
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SBQ: Av. Prof. Lineu Prestes, 748 - Bloco 3 superior, sala 371 -
CEP 05508-000 - Cidade Universitária - São Paulo, Brasil |
Fone: +55 (11) 3032-2299 |