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Boletim Eletrônico Nº 1153



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1. XXXV Escola de Verão em Química da UFSCar

Estão abertas as inscrições para a XXXV Escola de Verão em Química da UFSCar que ocorrerá entre os dias 02 e 06 de fevereiro de 2015. Nesta edição haverá 2 workshops sobre Quimica e Sustentabilidade e 06 minicursos: Green Chemistry; Perspectives in Crystal Engineering; Exploiting Solar Energy: Comparing Macroscopic to Microscopic Charge Separation Process; Electrochemical biosensors; O Desenvolvimento da Química Orgânica durante os 35 anos de Escola de Verão: alguns aspectos importantes e Eletroquímica Ambiental.

Maiores informações

Fonte: Lucia Helena Mascaro (UFSCar)

2. 1st NanoBioss Progress Workshop

Ocorreu no dia 12 de dezembro de 2014 nas dependências do Instituto de Química da Unicamp, o 1st NanoBioss Progress Workshop.

O NanoBioss é um dos Laboratórios Associados do Sistema Nacional de Laboratórios de Nanotecnologia (SisNano-MCTI) que atua na área das interações de nanoestruturas com biossistemas que tem como objetivo gerar dados científicos que possam subsidiar a regulação e os riscos envolvendo as nanotecnologias.


Cartaz do evento

Fonte: Oswaldo Luiz Alves (Coordenador Científico do NanoBioss/SisNano)

3. 2015 IUPAC - 45th World Chemistry Congress

It is our great pleasure to invite you to attend the 2015 IUPAC 48th General Assembly and 45th World Chemistry Congress (IUPAC-2015) hosted by the Korean Chemical Society to be held in Busan, Korea on August 9-14, 2015. Under the theme of "Smart Chemistry, Better Life," the agenda of IUPAC-2015 will emphasize the central role of chemistry as a multidisciplinary science to promote the quality of life and welfare through innovative scientific achievements and discuss current issues of mutual interest. Seeking insights to solve the problems around us such as energy, food, water, and environment will be highly appropriate and beneficial. In this regard, we certainly believe that IUPAC-2015 will provide a variety of opportunities to exchange ideas and expertise as well as network with worldwide research groups.

The scientific program includes plenary/keynote lectures and session talks as well as poster presentations and workshops under 11 major themes and over 70 symposia. Most of all, we are delighted to announce that outstanding young scholars and selected scientists from developing countries will be endowed with financial support.

Busan, a beautiful harbor and the 2nd largest city in Korea, will provide an excellent venue for the presentations of your most outstanding works and fruitful discussions. We strongly encourage you to enjoy our diverse programs and warm hospitality in Busan. Please join us at IUPAC-2015!

More information

Fonte: Everett Lim, Coordinator (Mr.)

Contador de visitas

SBQ: Av. Prof. Lineu Prestes, 748 - Bloco 3 superior, sala 371 - CEP 05508-000 - Cidade Universitária - São Paulo, Brasil | Fone: +55 (11) 3032-2299