
Frontiers in physical chemistry for lignin valorisation Faraday Discussion
Join us in London in September 10-12, 2025 for this edition of the Faraday Discussion series: Frontiers in physical chemistry for lignin valorisation. The Faraday Discussions are unique international discussion meetings that address current and emerging topics at the forefront of the physical sciences. At a Faraday Discussion, the primary research papers written by the speakers are distributed to all participants before the meeting – ensuring that most of the meeting is devoted to discussing the latest research.
Faraday Discussion provides a genuinely collaborative environment, where discussion and debate are at the foreground. All delegates, not just speakers, are invited to make comments, ask questions, or present complementary or contradictory measurements and calculations.
Take part in a well-balanced mix of talks, discussion, poster sessions and informal networking, delivered by our expert events team. You can explore the full programme in the downloadable files on the right – whether you're attending in-person or online, every minute provides an opportunity.
The conference dinner, included in the registration fee, contains the Marlow Cup ceremony: a unique commemoration of past Faraday Discussion organisers that is sure to encourage further discussions over dinner.
Frontiers in physical chemistry for lignin valorisation Faraday Discussion
Fonte: Elizabeth Magalhaes (RSC)
19º Congresso Internacional de Tintas
A chamada de trabalhos para o 19º Congresso Internacional de Tintas foi aberta, estando disponÃvel até 10 de março. O evento acontecerá de 23 a 25 de setembro do próximo ano, como parte do Abrafati Show.
A partir de agora, especialistas da indústria e pesquisadores acadêmicos interessados em compartilhar suas mais recentes pesquisas e descobertas já podem submeter os resumos dos seus papers à avaliação do Comitê CientÃfico.
Os trabalhos devem ser submetidos através deste link.
Fonte: Fabio Humberg (ABRAFATI)
XXXI Escola de Verão em QuÃmica Medicinal e Farmacêutica Prof. Eliezer Barreiro
A XXXI Escola de Verão em QuÃmica Medicinal e Farmacêutica Prof. Eliezer Barreiro vai acontecer entre os dias 27 e 31 de janeiro de 2025 na UFRJ. Inscrições já estão abertas e as vagas são limitadas. Serão 7 mini-cursos em temas variados da QuÃmica Medicinal e Farmacêutica e 5 palestras com pesquisadores do Brasil, Alemanha e Itália com longa experiência na área. Aguardamos todos em janeiro.
Maiores informações: https://www.evqfm.org/ ou pelo email: evqfm@ccsdecania.ufrj.br
Fonte: Carlos Mauricio R. Sant'Anna (UFRJ)
8ª Escola Avançada de FÃsica Experimental do CBPF
Um dos principais eventos do Centro Brasileiro de Pesquisas FÃsicas (CBPF), a Escola Avançada de FÃsica Experimental (EAFExp) está com inscrições abertas para sua 8ª edição.
O evento, que acontecerá de 03/02/2025 até 14/02/2025, contará com 16 projetos cientÃficos que farão os participantes experimentarem o dia a dia de um laboratório de pesquisa.
Voltada para estudantes de graduação (licenciatura ou bacharelado) e pós-graduação em fÃsica e áreas correlatas, a Escola conta com pesquisadores do CBPF e de mais dez instituições públicas e privadas.
Fique atento: as inscrições vão até 21/10!
Mais informações: https://eafexp.cbpf.br/
Fonte: Divulgação de interesse acadêmico e cientÃfico - CBPF
14th International Symposium on Polyelectrolytes
We are delighted to invite you to participate in the 14th International Symposium on Polyelectrolytes to be held in Campinas, Brazil, from July 13th to 18th, 2025.
This traditional Symposium reaches 30 years and will, for the first time, be held in the Southern Hemisphere. The ISP has been established as a forum to facilitate interdisciplinary interactions between researchers working with charged macromolecules of both synthetic and biological origin. Being an interdisciplinary field, the research on polyelectrolytes connects chemists, physicists, engineers etc. from both academic and industrial research.
Topics traditionally included in this Symposium are (but not limited to):
- Polyelectrolytes modeling and theory
- Biologically relevant polyelectrolytes
- Natural and synthetic polyelectrolytes in solution and at interfaces
- Polyelectrolyte assemblies (colloids, networks, gels)
- Applications of polyelectrolytes
The ISP 2025 has confirmed an impressive group of speakers:
- Evan Spruijt (Radboud University, Netherlands)
- Jerson Lima da Silva (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)
- Jodie Lutkenhaus (Texas A&M University, USA)
- Lars Wagberg (KTH – Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden)
- Luiz Mattoso (Embrapa Instrumentation, Brazil)
- Marleen Kamperman (University of Groningen, Netherlands)
- Monica Olvera de la Cruz (Northwestern University, USA)
- Rita Dias (Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway)
- Rohit Pappu (Washington University in St. Louis, USA)
- Xiao Su (University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, USA)
- Yeshayahu (Ishi) Talmon (Technion – Israel Institute of Technology, Israel)
In addition, there will be a satellite event prior to ISP 2025 to present tutorials on advanced experimental techniques such as cryoEM, single molecule spectroscopy, and NMR.
We cordially invite you to visit our website (isp25.com), to save the date, and stay tuned for further information. We also appreciate if you could forward this information to other potential participants. Meanwhile, in case you have questions, we will be happy to assist you at colloidsbr@gmail.com.
We look forward to welcoming you to ISP 2025 at the University of Campinas (UNICAMP).
Fonte: Watson Loh (ISP 2025 Chair, on behalf of the Organizing Committee)
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