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  • 27/11/2014

    Symposium "Electrochromic and Chromogenic Materials"

    Symposium "Electrochromic and Chromogenic Materials" that will be held during 227th Electrochemical Society (ECS) Meeting in Chicago, Illinois, USA on May 24th–28th, 2015.

    This symposium will provide an interdisciplinary forum for exchange of ideas and discussion of new results and crucial achievements in the electrochemical science and technology of electrochromic and related materials with respect to understanding their fundamental properties as well as their applications in such devices as windows or displays. Novel materials, devices design, and modeling will receive special attention. The proposed topics include, but will not be limited to novel materials for chromogenics applications, new synthetic and fabrication methods, thin-film techniques for preparation of chromogenic devices (sputtering, sol-gel, pulsed laser deposition, electrodeposition, etc.) or combinatorial approach in search for optimization of electrochromic materials. Additional attention will be devoted to designing devices and interfaces and optimization of critical parameters such as durability, stability, and switching times. Strong emphasis will be directed towards modeling and the fundamental and applied aspects of fabrication of novel (organic, inorganic, hybrid) polymeric micro- and nanostructures, experimental and theoretical studies of their properties, mechanisms and dynamics of charge propagation and electroactivity, coloration and bleaching. During symposium we are hoping to outline important directions for the future.

    Please note that abstracts are due no later than Friday, November 28, 2015. To submit an abstract, please follow the link to the online submission system available at the ECS web page. Please select "L06 – Electrochromic and Chromogenic Materials" from the symposium listing.

    Symposium organizers: Pawel J. Kulesza, Faculty of Chemistry, University of Warsaw, Pasteura 1, PL-02-093 Warsaw, Poland, e-mail:; Aline Rougier, ICMCB, UPR 9048, 87, av. du Dr. Schweitzer, Pessac, F-33600, France, e-mail:; Chunye Xu, Department of Polymer Science and Engineering, Hefei National Laboratory for Physical Sciences at the Microscale, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei 230026, China, e-mail:; Agnieszka Pawlicka, IQSC, Universidade de Sao Paulo, C.P. 780, CEP 13560-970 Sao Carlos, Sao Paulo, Brazil, e-mail:

    Fonte: Agnieszka Joanna Pawlicka Maule (IQSC-USP)

  • 19/11/2014

    SBPMat aceita propostas de simpósios para seu próximo encontro anual

    A Sociedade Brasileira de Pesquisa em Materiais (SBPMat) recebe, até dia 5 de dezembro, propostas de simpósios temáticos para a 14ª edição de seu encontro anual. O evento será realizado entre os dias 27 de setembro e 1º de outubro de 2015 na cidade do Rio de Janeiro.

    Qualquer pessoa com título de doutor, ligada a instituições ou empresas do Brasil ou do exterior pode apresentar uma proposta de simpósio em temas da área de Ciência e Engenharia de Materiais.

    As propostas devem ser preenchidas online no site do evento ( e devem conter o título e escopo do simpósio, a relação dos temas abrangidos, os dados dos organizadores e a lista preliminar de palestrantes convidados.

    As propostas submetidas serão avaliadas pela comissão de eventos da SBPMat e pelos organizadores do encontro, e submetidas à diretoria da sociedade. A previsão de definição da lista de simpósios aprovados é dezembro de 2014. Os simpósios temáticos são o eixo principal da programação dos eventos anuais da SBPMat. O encontro deste ano, realizado em João Pessoa, reuniu cerca de 2.000 trabalhos nos 19 simpósios, envolvendo temas como eletrônica orgânica, materiais para nanomedicina, interfaces híbridas, superfícies e revestimentos, métodos químicos, processos sol-gel, materiais magnéticos, materiais luminescentes, grafeno, carbono, eletrocerâmicas, metais avançados, materiais anti-incrustação, argilas, materiais cimentícios, simulação computacional, sistemas para armazenamento de energia e transferência de tecnologia.

    Mais informações

    Fonte: Verónica Savignano (SBPMat)

  • 30/10/2014

    5th Merck Serono Innovation Cup Summer Camp

    Merck KGaA will conduct from June 21-26, 2015, the 5th Merck Serono Innovation Cup Summer Camp, an initiative offering a chance for advanced students in life sciences and business administration programs to attend a one-week training program with Merck Serono professionals. This initiative is designed to support the professional development of post-graduate students interested in the pharmaceutical industry and also delivers new innovative approaches covering unmet medical need.

    The Innovation Cup brings together a promising new generation of talent in a meeting of the generations with senior Merck Serono managers and researchers and accomplished Merck retirees. A video showing an overview of the event can be accessed here:

    Post-graduate students in the life sciences field on their way towards a PhD in biology, medicine, biotechnology, bioinformatics, biochemistry, pharmacy or related fields are invited to apply. In addition, advanced MBA students or recent MBA graduates with an interest in the pharmaceutical business and a background in life sciences are also eligible. Postdocs can apply, too!

    Se alguém desejar mais informações sobre o evento com um aluno que participou este ano, contatar José Barros ( da Fiocruz.

    Fonte: José Barros (Fiocruz)

  • 16/10/2014

    1st Brazilian Hands-on Workshop SIR/EXPO 2014.

    The Hands-on Workshop SIR/ EXPO will focus on the latest advances of the crystallographic methods for solving structures by both powder and single crystal diffraction data. Inscrições e informações: e-mail para contato:

    Fonte: Julio Zukerman Schpector (UFSCar)

  • 23/10/2014

    16th Topical Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry

    "Electrochemical Properties and Applications of Advanced Carbon Materials"
    co-organnized by SBQ's Division of Electrochemistry and Electroanalytical Chemistry

    Angra dos Reis - Brazil
    22-26 March 2015

    Abstract submission deadline: 11 November 2014

    Additional information:

    Fonte: Dr. Romeu C. Rocha Filho (Universidade Federal de São Carlos)

  • 02/10/2014

    6th International Conference on Multicomponent and Related Reactions

    The registration process for the 6th International Conference on Multicomponent and Related Reactions is now open. The meeting will be held in Brasília, Brazil, from March 30th to April 2nd, 2015, and many important researchers from all over the world have confirmed their participation. Please vist our website ( for more information. We still have slots for short presentations (15 minutes), if you are interested please contact us.

    Fonte: Carlos Kleber Z. Andrade (General Secretary of the MCR 2015)

  • 02/10/2014

    Workshop on Layered Materials

    We would like to invite you to participate in a Workshop on Layered Materials, which will be held in an amazing Castle Třešť, which is located about 140 km from Prague.

    The Workshop will be focused on the synthesis, characterization, properties, and applications of all types of layered materials. Both experimental and theoretical aspects of this important group of materials will be discussed in invited, short oral and poster presentations.

    All information about the Workshop you can find on the webpage, which will be periodically updated.

    Number of participants is limited to 80-90, thus, please, inform us about your interest to participate.

    We look forward to meeting you next year in Třešť.

    Jiří Čejka – Petr Nachtigall – Vítězslav Zima

    Centre of Excellence
    Czech Science Foundation

    Fonte: João Barros Valim (DQ-FFCLRP-USP)

  • 25/09/2014

    ISGC 2015, International Symposium on Green Chemistry

    In May 2013, you were many scientists to attend the 2nd International Symposium on Green Chemistry (ISGC-2). This scientific event was a real success with more than 550 participants (including 21% from industry) from 37 different countries. Through 150 conferences/oral communications and 330 posters, ISGC-2 provided a large focus on the past, future and challenges of Green Chemistry and received fantastic media coverage. As mentioned by Paul T. Anastas at the occasion of the symposium opening ceremony, ISGC-2 was the international rendez-vous for green chemistry in 2013. Under the impulsion of many industrial and academic delegations, we decided to organize a novel edition. In this context, on the behalf of the International Advisory Board, the Organizing Committee warmly invites you to participate to the 3rd International Symposium on Green Chemistry that will be held from May 3rd-7th 2015 in La Rochelle, FRANCE.

    For this third edition, we aim at widening the scope of the symposium to other fields of green chemistry. In particular, ISGC-2015 will cover nine general topics related to 1. biomass conversion, 2. clean hydrogen production, 3. alternative solvents, 4. waste, 5. polymers and materials, 6. atom-economy synthesis, 7. eco-technology, 8. predictive methods and 9. environmental and ethical assessments. Each topic will be introduced by a plenary lecture delivered by an eminent scientist of the field. Apart from the lectures, ISGC-2015 will be organized around different parallel sessions (including invited keynotes and oral communications), posters, a round table and an exhibition area.

    On the continuation of ISGC-2, a key objective of this third edition is to provide an environment that facilitates widespread interdisciplinary communication. To this end, ISGC-2015 should offer to public and private scientists an ideal platform for sharing fundamental knowledge with industrial research and development.

    We hope you will enjoy this unique moment to share your vision about green chemistry with other countries and to contribute to the emergence of new and sustainable processes for a greener world.

    More information

    Fonte: Chairman of ISGC 2015

  • 18/09/2014

    I Encontro de Química da Bahia e 5° Encontro de Química do Nordeste

    O EQBA é um evento que ocorre desde 2005 com periodicidade bienal. Foi realizado pela Secretaria Regional-Bahia da Sociedade Brasileira de Química, tendo sido realizado nas cidades de Salvador, Ilhéus, Jequié, Barreiras e Amargosa, em 2005, 2007, 2008, 2010 e 2012 respectivamente nesta ordem. Em 2014, a comunidade de Química da Bahia e dos principais estados do nordeste reunir-se-ão em Porto Seguro, no Extremo sul da Bahia.

    Desta vez, a instituição organizadora será o Instituto Federal da Bahia (IFBA) – campus Porto Seguro juntamente com a Secretaria Regional da SBQ/BA, sendo que simultaneamente ao VI EQBA ocorrerá o 5° Encontro de Química do Nordeste.

    O VI Encontro de Química da Bahia e o 5° Encontro de Química do Nordeste, apresentam como tema central "Química sem fronteiras: Integrando o conhecimento e vencendo desafios" e acontecerão no período de 20 a 22 de novembro de 2014, na cidade de Porto Seguro – Ba.

    Mais informações

    Fonte: Mauricio Moraes Victor (UFBA)

  • 21/08/2014

    6th International Conference on Multicomponent Reactions and Related Chemistry

    Brasília sediará o mais importante evento científico na área de reações multicomponentes e química relacionada. O 6th International Conference on Multicomponent Reactions and Related Chemistry será realizado de 30 de março a 02 de abril de 2015, no Hotel Royal Tulip, em Brasília.

    As inscrições para o evento começam no próximo dia 01 de setembro e maiores informações poderão ser obtidas em

    Fonte: Carlos Kleber Zago de Andrade (UnB)

  • 14/08/2014

    4º Encontro sobre Estruturas Auto-Organizadas em Soluções e Interfaces

    site do AutoOrg 2014 está no ar, ainda só com as informações básicas. Estamos encaminhando este contato para garantir que vocês reservem as datas (5-7 de novembro) e possam se programar para participar do evento.

    Neste ano, está sendo organizada uma homenagem ao Frank Quina que vai ocorrer no dia 5 de novembro, no mesmo local, com vários participantes que estão confirmados e listados no site. Todos são muito bem-vindos para participar deste evento também.

    A programação segue o modelo dos anos anteriores, com quatro palestrantes principais e quatro convidados, e duas sessões de pôsteres.

    Estamos bastante empolgados com a programação e receptividade de vários colegas, por isto contamos com a participação de vocês e com ajuda na divulgação a outros possíveis interessados.

    Em breve enviaremos outra mensagem com informações sobre inscrição, submissão de trabalhos e acomodação.

    Esperamos encontrá-los em São Pedro em novembro, e contamos com sua ajuda para trazer mais colegas.

    Fonte: Watson Loh (IQ-Unicamp)

» Páginas  1   2

SBQ: Av. Prof. Lineu Prestes, 748 - Bloco 3 superior, sala 371 - CEP 05508-000 - Cidade Universitária - São Paulo, Brasil | Fone: +55 (11) 3032-2299