1. I Salão de Jovens Pesquisadores em BiocombustÃveis (I SJPB)
O I Salão de Jovens Pesquisadores em BiocombustÃveis (I SJPB) é atividade do 5º Simpósio Nacional de BiocombustÃveis (5º BIOCOM) e ocorrerá na tarde do dia 21 de março próximo, no campus Canoas (RS) da ULBRA.
O I SJPB destina-se a estudantes de mestrado ou doutorado e tem por objetivo criar espaço para apresentação e discussão de trabalhos em temas relacionados a biocombustÃveis. Os três melhores trabalhos serão premiados.
Mais informações: biocom@cientec.rs.gov.br ou www.abq.org.br/biocom.
Fonte: Luiz Antonio Mazzini Fonoura (ULBRA/CIENTEC)
2. 4th Summer school on "Microbial Metabolites in Nature and Medicine"
Applications are warmly invited for a summer school on "Microbial Metabolites in Nature and Medicine", the fourth in the series of John Innes – Rudjer Bošković Summer Schools on Applied Molecular Microbiology, to be held in Dubrovnik, Croatia, August 25 – September 2, 2012. Full details, including the availability of grants to attend the summer school, are at home page.
The summer school reflects the recent development of interest in microbial metabolites that has resulted from the sequencing of small molecule-producing microorganisms, coupled with the current explosive development of sequencing technology, bioinformatics and chemical analysis. Ecological studies highlighting the wide range of roles for small molecules in microbial communities provide another major driving force. These summer schools have established a reputation for the quality of the faculty and participants (about 40) and the high degree of productive interaction during the week-long courses. A special feature of the summer school will be hands-on computer workshops to annotate genomes and analyse natural product gene clusters.
Contact: Prof. David Hopwood (david.hopwood@jic.ac.uk)
Fonte: Luciana Gonzaga de Oliveira (UNICAMP)
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