11 November - 15 November 2012, Hotel Pullman Eindhoven Cocagne, Eindhoven, Netherlands
1) Optical tools for manufacturing, measuring and monitoring renewable energy generation (solar cells and other renewable energy processes such as wind, hydro, geothermal, thermophotovolaics)
2) Optics in environment and pollution monitoring (LIDAR, PIV, trace gas analysis, LDA, emerging spectroscopic applications)
3) Optics in research in high energy materials (materials development, detection of explosives, combustion processes)
4) Optics in other industries (oil and gas, mining, marine/underwater)
5) Technologies that combine energy and environment efficient methods
Program Chairs
Michael D. Wojcik, Environmental Sensing and Science, Energy Dynamics La boratory, USA
Raavi Sai Santosh Kumar, Center for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology of IIT@Polimi, Italy
Abstract Submission Deadline 9 July 2012 16.00 GMT
Further information, invited speakers list, submission guidelines: www.osa.org/E2
Fonte: Paulo Barbeitas Miranda (IFSC-USP)