1. 6th International Symposium on Residue Management in Universities - ISRMU 2013
06, 07 and 08 November 2013
"Sustainable Management of Wastes, Water and Wastewater in Universities"
Submission of Abstracts:
Abstracts must be submitted by September 22, 2013.
To submit an abstract, the registration of the participant in the event is mandatory (before September 22, 2013).
Each participant registered in the event can submit up to 2 abstracts.
All the accepted abstracts will be presented as Posters.
Chemistry Department
Federal University of Santa Maria
97105-900, Santa Maria, RS - Brazil
E-mail: contact@isrmu.com.br
More information
Fonte: Ayrton Figueiredo Martins (UFSM)
2. XII Semana de QuÃmica - Unicamp
A Semana de QuÃmica é um evento realizado anualmente no Instituto de QuÃmica da Universidade Estadual de Campinas (Unicamp). Aberto para alunos de quaisquer instituições, professores e profissionais da área, conta com estrutura para 400 pessoas em sua 12ª edição.
As palestras são gratuitas e a inscrição, que varia de R$48,00 a R$60,00 de acordo com a categoria desejada, permite ao congressista participar de 2 minicursos de 8 horas (com certificado) e 1 visita técnica, além do kit congressista.
A Cerimônia de Encerramento será no Teatro Amil, no Shopping D. Pedro com o renomado autor e docente da University of Cambridge, Peter David Wothers.
Maiores informações
Fonte: LetÃcia Miyahara (Coordenação - XII Semana de QuÃmica)
3. XX Encontro de QuÃmica da Região Sul
O XX SBQ-SUL será realizado na cidade de Lajeado/RS, no Centro Universitário Univates.
O evento será realizado de 14 a 16 de novembro de 2013.
Data limite para envio de resumos: 15 de agosto.
Maiores informações
Fonte: Secretaria Regional Paraná - SBQ
4. 246th ACS National Meeting & Exposition
• Author/Organiser: American Chemical Society (ACS)
• Event Website
• Event Date: 08 September 2013 to 12 September 2013
• Event Type: Exhibition & Conference
• Venue: Indianapolis, Indiana, USA
• Associated Societies: American Chemical Society (ACS)
Giving scientific professionals a platform to present, publish, discuss and exhibit the most exciting research discoveries and technologies in chemistry and its related disciplines. The meeting will facilitate networking opportunities, career development and placement, and provide companies an opportunity to exhibit products and services to a targeted audience.
The Exposition will give attendees the chance to meet more than 250 exhibitors, many of whom are showcasing new technological developments. A number of exhibitors also offer free workshops during the meeting so attendees can learn more about these state-of-the-art technologies.
This meeting's theme is Chemistry in Motion.
As part of the Divison of Energy and Fuels, the 1st International Symposium on Mesoporous Zeolites is held as a the two-day program.
This meeting's theme is Chemistry in Motion.
More information
Fonte: Marinda Li Wu (ACS President)