A RSC symposium series on analytical and sustainable chemistry
We are pleased to announce the Royal Society of Chemistry Brazil Roadshow will take place in November 2013.
The roadshow will consist of three one-day scientific symposia in Campinas, Porto Alegre and Belo Horizonte, featuring lectures by some of the world's leading international scientists in analytical science and sustainable chemistry. The purpose of the roadshow is to bring together scientists in a stimulating and friendly environment that will foster collaborations, and so that delegates can find out more about RSC journals and wider activities.
The roadshow will appeal to academics, students and industrial scientists and is free to attend. Organisation is by the Royal Society of Chemistry and the local host organisations.
In order to register your attendance at one of these events please click on the appropriate registration link below.
Venue and Dates
Campinas Symposium
4th November 2013
University of Campinas (UNICAMP)
Porto Alegre Symposium
6th November 2013
The Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS)
Belo Horizonte Symposium
8th November 2013
The Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG)
Sustainable Chemistry
James Clark, University of York, UK
George Huber, University of Wisconsin-Madison, US
Janet Scott, University of Bath, UK
Roberto Rinaldi, Max Planck Institute for Coal Research, Germany
Liane Rossi, USP, Brazil
Cesar Petzhold, UFRGS, Brazil
Heloise Pastore, UNICAMP, Brazil
Clarissa Frizzo, UFSM, Brazil
Rolando Angel Spanevello, UNR-IQUIR, Argentina
Rochel Lago, UFMG, Brazil
Ricardo Reis Soares, UFU, Brazil
Eduardo Nicolau, UFMG, Brazil
Luiz P Ramos, UFPR, Brazil
Analytical Science
Andrew de Mello, ETH, Zurich, Switzerland
Boris Mizaikoff, University of Ulm, Germany
Craig Banks, Manchester Metropolitan University, UK
Frank Vanhaecke, Ghent University, Germany
Marco Arruda, UNICAMP, Brazil
Emanuel Carrilho, USP, Brazil
Jose Fracassi da Silva, UNICAMP, Brazil
Erico Flores, UFSM, Brazil
João Henrique Zimnoch dos Santos, UFRGS, Brazil
Daniel Borges, UFSC, Brazil
Rodinei Augusti, UFMG, Brazil
Patricia Smichowski, Comisión Nacional de EnergÃa Atómica (CNEA), Argentina
Registration and Information
Fonte: Elizabeth Magalhaes (RSC)