1. 15th International Symposium on Marine Natural Products - MaNaPro
O 15th International Symposium on Marine Natural Products - MaNaPro, que será realizado no Hotel Vila Galé Cumbuco, a 30 km de Fortaleza, de 29 de agosto a 2 de setembro, 2016.
Mais informações
Fonte: Lilian Palmieri (MaNaPro)
2. 3rd Iberoamerican Symposium of Organic Chemistry (SIBEAQO3) are now open
The deadline for entries in the SIBEAQO-3, held in Porto (Portugal) on the 23rd, 24th and 25th of September, ends on July 15th. Guest speakers are high level.
We encourage you to participate by sending your communications (ABSTRACTS) to SIBEAQO-3 (sibeaqo3@iceta.up.pt ). There is a limited number of well-located and affordable accommodations, which we recommend booking as soon as possible. You can book your accommodation "on line" in advance using the SIBEAQO3 page. Master and doctoral students can apply for scholarship (100-150 euros) and we recommend that this is done as soon as possible because there is a limited number. We also recommend that students who wish to present an oral communication (10-15 min), to send the abstract as soon as possible for evaluation.
The Symposium will give a great opportunity to meet Latin American colleagues and to exchange views on scientific issues, exchange of researchers and future collaborations. Registration of participants includes: attendance at scientific sessions, symposium documentation and participation in social events (cocktail reception, gala-dinner, coffee-breaks and lunches). For accompanying, registration includes attendance at social events and excursions.
Porto, whose old town has been declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO, is one of the oldest tourist destinations in Europe. The richness of its artistic heritage, the Porto wine, spaces dedicated to leisure, cultural-recreational and nightlife are just some of the reasons that to visit this wonderful city. For more information on the city of Porto, see:
Fonte: Organizing committee - SIBEAQO3
3. 5th Brazil-Spain Workshop on Organic Chemistry
A quinta edição do 'Brazil-Spain Workshop on Organic Chemistry' (BSWOC-2016) será realizada de 24 a 26 de outubro de 2016, no Hotel Slaviero Essential - Praia dos Ingleses, em Florianópolis. Pretende-se, com este evento bilateral, disseminar as pesquisas mais recentes dentro das diferentes áreas de concentração da quÃmica orgânica, que inclui quÃmica medicinal, produtos naturais, sÃntese orgânica, catálise, mecanismos de reação e nanomateriais, entre outras, bem como promover possÃveis colaborações interinstitucionais entre grupos de pesquisa oriundos dos dois paÃses. Além das 14 palestras confirmadas com pesquisadores renomados, o BSWOC-2016 também inclui 11 sessões orais e apresentações de pôsteres.
Para inscrições e maiores informações sobre o BSWOC-2016, consulte:
Comissão Organizadora do BSWOC-2016