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Boletim Eletrônico Nº 1268


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1. First Pan American Nanotechnology Conference, Fundamentals and Application to Shape the Future

The First Pan American Nanotechnology Conference, Fundamentals and Application to Shape the Future to be held from November 27th to 30th at Guaruja, Brazil. This conference will provide a venue for understanding nanotechnology and nanoparticles behavior in biological, chemical and environmental systems with the purpose to develop useful and sustainable applications throughout the Pan-American region. In this conference, educational, regulatory, social and economic aspects of sustainable nanotechnology applications will be also discussed. This conference will be the largest assemblage of participants from the Americas sharing knowledge and fostering collaboration to move forward the development and application of sustainable nanotechnologies with the final aim to solve societal challenges as well as protect and improve the environment and human health.

Gathering of researchers, academicians, industrial members, and personnel from government and regulatory agencies from North, South and Central America to engage in interdisciplinary collaboration in the fields of nanomaterials, nanomanufacturing and nanotechnologies.

Discussions and understanding of most current state of the art research findings, regulations and socio-economic aspects of the field of green nanomanufacturing, environmental, health and safety of nanotechnologies.

Dissemination of knowledge about nanotechnology and nanomaterials interactions and behaviors with different biological, chemical and environmental systems;

Empowerment of Pan American's regulatory agencies, researchers and industries about policies, social and economical aspects of the application of nanomaterials and nanotechnology in consumer products and industrial activities;

More informations

Fonte: Solange Kazumi Sakata (IPEN/CNEN-SP)

2. 2º Ciclo de Minicursos de Cristalografia

Em julho de 2017, entre os dias 10 e 21 serão ministrados minicursos sobre o potencial da técnica de difratometria de Raios X em amostras policristalinas. Esses cursos serão ministrados pelos Drs. Carlos O. P. Santos (Unesp-Araraquara-sP), Selma A. Gutierrez (Unesp-Arararaqua-SP) e Alexandre Cuin (ICE-UFJF-MG) no departamento de Química do Instituto de Ciências Exatas da UFJF.

As inscrições serão limitadas a apenas 28 vagas, devido à limitação das licenças do programa TOPAS.

Recomendamos aos interessados em participar dos cursos a visitar nosso website: http://labcacc.net.br/CMC-2/ para mais informações a respeito das ementas, custos, vagas, inscrições. Não hesite em nos contactar pelos e-mails: alexandre.cuin@ufjf.edu.br ou alexandre_cuin@yahoo.com e charlane.cimini@ufjf.edu.br.

Fonte: Alexandre Cuin (UFJF-Campus Universitário- Martelos Juiz de Fora-MG)

3. 6th Brazilian Conference on Natural products and XXXII RESEM

On behalf of the organizing committee of the 6th Brazilian Conference on Natural products and XXXII RESEM, it is my pleasure to invite you to participate in this meeting.

The conference will be held at the Federal University of Espírito Santo, Vitória, Espírito Santo state, Brazil from November 5-8, 2017. The event is supported by the Division of Natural Products of the Brazilian Chemical Society (SBQ). The program comprises 07 plenary lectures, 13 short lectures and 12 oral presentations which will be chosen from contributed papers, besides 02 poster sessions.

The 6th BCNP is a non-profit International Congress dedicated to promote the development of science, and the excellence of Natural Products Chemistry worldwide. We believe this is a good opportunity to discuss the subjects related to different aspects of the work on natural products, so it would be very interesting if you could join us in the event.

More information

Fonte: Warley de Souza Borges (UFES)

Contador de visitas

SBQ: Av. Prof. Lineu Prestes, 748 - Bloco 3 superior, sala 371 - CEP 05508-000 - Cidade Universitária - São Paulo, Brasil | Fone: +55 (11) 3032-2299