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Boletim Eletrônico Nº 1530


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1. 10º Workshop do Programa de Mestrado Profissional em Química e Bioquímica

Convidamos todos os interessados a participarem do 10º Workshop do Programa de Mestrado Profissional em Química e Bioquímica, que será realizado em 12 de dezembro de 2022 no Instituto de Química da USP.

Esta série de workshops é organizada anualmente pelo Programa desde a sua criação, em 2012, com o intuito de apresentar os resultados dos projetos de pesquisa de nossos alunos. A partir de 2020, temos publicado esses resultados em um livro online chamado 'Anais do Workshop', em formato open access e hospedado na plataforma da editora Blücher. Essa publicação recebe ISBN e DOI, permitindo que a produção seja computada tanto para o orientador quanto para o aluno. Adicionalmente, informamos que, desde o ano passado, o Workshop foi aberto também para contribuições de outros programas.

Mais informações

Fonte: IQUSP

2. The World Conference on Carbon 2023

It is a pleasure to greet you and inform you that the system is open to receive your scientific contributions (https://www.carbon2023.org/Abstracts) for "The World Conference on Carbon 2023" organized by the Mexican Carbon Association (AMEXCarb) in collaboration with the Latin American Carbon Federation (FLC) and the American Carbon Society (AmCS). In addition, registration is open, we can provide the visa support letter for those who need it (https://www.carbon2023.org/VISA), and the accommodation information is available.

The organizing committee has worked hard and with great enthusiasm to offer you a congress of the highest scientific level, which will take place from July 16 to 21, 2023, at the Barceló hotel, Riviera Maya, which offers both excellent facilities to concentrate the activities of the congress and amenities for recreation before or after the event activities.

We will have the honor of having the opening plenary lecture by Professor Sir Andre Geim, Nobel Prize in Physics 2010, and the relevant participation of professors Magdalena Titirici (Imperial College, England), Olga Shenderova (Adámas Nanotechnologies Inc., USA), Alberto Bianco (French National Center for Scientific Research, France), and Hirotomo Nishihara (Tohoku University, Japan). In addition, the Scientific Committee is integrated by researchers of recognized international prestige.

The congress topics are:

• Carbon in biology, medicine and health
• Carbon in environmental applications
• Carbon in electrochemical processes and technologies
• Innovative carbons (eg MXNenes, heterocarbons, nitrides)
• Graphene and graphite
• Catalysis
• Carbon fibers and composites
• Coal, coke and carbon black
• Diamond

Please consider that December 30, 2022, is the deadline to submit your Short Abstracts.

Fonte: Organizing Committee (The World Conference on Carbon 2023)

Contador de visitas

SBQ: Av. Prof. Lineu Prestes, 748 - Bloco 3 superior, sala 371 - CEP 05508-000 - Cidade Universitária - São Paulo, Brasil | Fone: +55 (11) 3032-2299