.: Eventos :. Boletim Eletrônico Nº 1540
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1. Postdoc to Faculty Workshop
A Workshop for Prospective Chemical Sciences Faculty
If you are a postdoctoral fellow interested in a faculty position in the chemical sciences at a college or university, this workshop can help you prepare for a rewarding career.
The Postdoc to Faculty (P2F) Workshop:
- compares positions and respective expectations in undergraduate and graduate chemistry departments
- provides assistance with and feedback on faculty application materials
- presents strategies for balancing scholarship, teaching, and service expectations with life outside academia
- creates a network of early-career faculty along with mentors, who can help guide newly-appointed professors
- introduces interactive teaching models and provides resources to facilitate their incorporation
When and Where
The 2023 Postdoc to Faculty Workshop will be held on July 28 – July 30, 2023 in Chicago, IL.
Safety is a core value of the American Chemical Society, and as such the health and well-being of our members, community, and staff are paramount. Currently, the 2023 Postdoc to Faculty Workshop is currently scheduled to be held in person. However, we will continue to monitor the latest updates regarding the current pandemic and will update workshop participants and facilitators if a virtual space is necessary.
More information
Fonte: Roberto G. S. Berlinck (IQSC-USP)
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SBQ: Av. Prof. Lineu Prestes, 748 - Bloco 3 superior, sala 371 -
CEP 05508-000 - Cidade Universitária - São Paulo, Brasil |
Fone: +55 (11) 3032-2299 |