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Boletim Eletrônico Nº 1580


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1. Ciclo de Webinários – Divisão de Química Orgânica da SBQ

A Divisão de Química Orgânica tem o prazer de convidá-los para o Ciclo de Webinários intitulado "Da pós ao mercado de trabalho". O segundo evento acontecerá no dia 16/11 a partir das 16h00. Por questões de segurança, o link de acesso será enviado aos membros da DQO por e-mail, que poderão compartilhar com quem possa se interessar!

Fonte: Divisão de Química Orgânica - SBQ

2. Second São Carlos School on Glasses and Glass-Ceramics

The CeRTEV team (www.certev.ufscar.br) is organizing the second School on Glasses and Glass-ceramics from April 29 to May 4, 2024, following the success of the First International School in 2016. The main objectives of the school are:
• Provide state-of-the-art information on the structure, dynamic processes (diffusion, viscous flow, relaxation, and crystallization), and optical, electrical, mechanical, and bio chemical properties of glasses and glass-ceramics.
• Disseminate CeRTEV's faculty, infrastructure, and facilities to Brazilian and international Ph.D. students.
• Strengthen the international network of CeRTEV collaborators.
• Attract future students, post-docs, and visiting faculty.

The instructors are well-known experts in experimental, theoretical, and computer simulation studies of glasses.

The school will accept up to 60 Ph.D. students worldwide. In the former school, we had approximately 200 applicants from which we selected one hundred. The school will consist of approximately 40 hours of classes, poster presentations, and discussions over six days. The post-graduate program in materials science and engineering of the Federal University of São Carlos (PPGCEM – DEMa, CAPES level 7) validates this course.
Interested students will be able to register officially and receive course credits after completing and being approved in a home work.

There is no registration fee for the school. We can cover the hotel for six nights and the lunch expenses for one student per supervisor (for those who need and apply for such financial help). The students or their thesis advisors/home institutions must cover transportation, health insurance, VISA fees, and other related costs.

Interested students must contact us by email before December 15, 2023, and provide:
1. Documental proof of being officially registered in a Ph.D. program.
2. An abstract of their thesis project.
3. A letter of recommendation from the thesis advisor as well as a commitment to cover transportation, health insurance, and other costs related to the trip to São Carlos.

Prof. Edgar D. Zanotto – CeRTEV director (dedz@ufscar.br)
Prof. Hellmut Eckert – CeRTEV vice-director
Prof. Ana C.M. Rodrigues – Education and Science Outreach coordinator
Prof. Eduardo B. Ferreira – Technology and Innovation coordinator Administrative assistant – Miss Laurie Leonardo (certevlamav@gmail.com)

Fonte: Second São Carlos School on Glasses and Glass-Ceramics

SBQ: Av. Prof. Lineu Prestes, 748 - Bloco 3 superior, sala 371 - CEP 05508-000 - Cidade Universitária - São Paulo, Brasil | Fone: +55 (11) 3032-2299