Performance chemicals (Posted March 5, 2018)

Biofilms (posted February 6, 2018)

Interfacebook check-in (posted January 12, 2018)

RuPhos the red-nosed catalyst ligand (posted December 11, 2017)

The plight of the NMR spinner (posted November 6, 2017)

Vampyrex (posted October 5, 2017)

Hydrogen bonding (posted September 8, 2017)

Orbital parking lot (posted August 8, 2017)

The Ion Channel (posted July 7, 2017)

Infrared massage studio (posted June 6, 2017)

Molecular status updates (posted May 4, 2017)

Glassware job woes (posted April 11, 2017)

Molecular nightmares (posted March 8, 2017)

Psychoanalytical chemistry (posted Feb. 8, 2017)

NMRs have goals, too (posted Jan. 25, 2017)
