Invitation to submit your paper to the Chemosphere Special Issue on “Environmental / Analytical Chemistry and/or Toxicology and Risk Assessments in Latin-American Countries”
As the Guest Editors of this collection of papers, we are looking forward to receiving the contributions from research groups led by Latin American scientists to this Special Issue in Chemosphere (ISSN: 0045-6535, Impact Factor: 8.943).
This special issue edition will publish manuscripts by Latin American research groups dealing with fundamental processes in the environment that are related to the analysis, behavior, fate, and alteration of organic and inorganic contaminants focused on the dynamics of contaminants in environmental compartments such as water, soil, sediment, particulate matter, organisms, dust and indoor/outdoor air. At the same time, this special issue provides timely coverage of the novel and innovative use of analytical methods for the investigation of environmentally relevant substances and problems. Topics of interest also include critical updates on the improvements in environmental analytical chemistry, achievements and challenges of modern techniques and possible future developments in the specific fields, such as sampling methodology, techniques for remote measurements, analytical instrumentation, miniaturization and automation, determination of trace atmospheric constituents of anthropogenic and natural origin, detection and identification of organic pollutants in water, soil and biota, determination and speciation of heavy metals and radionuclides in the environment, environmental references materials; method validation and chemometrics in environmental analysis.
Manuscripts related to Environmental Toxicology and Risk Assessment will be also welcome, being specially interesting in all aspects of toxicology, i.e., the science of adverse effects of chemicals on living organisms including humans, and the scientific risk assessment.
Manuscript submission information:
The submission deadline for papers has been set as 30th November 2022. Earlier submissions are encouraged, and papers will be published online as soon as they have been accepted for publication.
To ensure that all manuscripts are correctly identified for inclusion into the thematic special issue, it is important that authors select “VSI:Latin-Analytical” when they reach the “Article Type” step in the submission process.
Please consult the guide for authors to see if your paper falls within the scope of the journal. Papers out of scope will not be accepted. A review is expected to present a critical overview of the state-of-the-art of a topic, with critically selected examples (not only from your own work), to point the reader to trends and likely future developments and to give a selection of important references to the current literature. You will find the journal's instructions for authors on the Chemosphere homepage at https://www.elsevier.com/journals/chemosphere/0045-6535/guide-for-authors
All invited papers will be subject to the same rigorous peer-review process as regular submissions to the journal, and upon publication each author team will be provided with a free pdf file of the printed article. We ask that you submit your manuscript directly to the Chemosphere editorial office by online submission at https://www.editorialmanager.com/chemosphere/default1.aspx
With best regards,
Guest editors:
Profa. Dra. Cassiana C. Montagner
Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Brazil, ccmonta@unicamp.br
Profa. Dra. Laura Hinojosa Reyes
Universidad Autonoma de Nuevo León, Mexico, laura.hinojosary@uanl.edu.mx
Prof. Dr. Julio César Aguilar Cordero
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Mexico, julioca@quimica.unam.mx
Prof. Dr. Carlos Alberto Martínez-Huitle
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil, carlosmh@quimica.ufrn.br