The Central Role of the Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society within the Editorial Activities of the SBQ
"Almost every major scientific society carries out some form of editorial activity within its field of expertise, aiming to promote and disseminate reliable findings and impactful knowledge among researchers around the world. In chemistry, giants like the American Chemical Society and the Royal Society of Chemistry promote the circulation of the world's leading chemistry journals, setting trends such as launching new journals in response to the emergence of new thematic areas. These societies also focus on engaging with the scientific community, including promotion open-access journals, and undertaking enthusiastic and resource-intensive efforts to expand their activities globally. Since its creation in 1977, the Brazilian Chemical Society (SBQ) has been instrumental in advancing chemical science in Brazil. One of its primary goals, clearly outlined in its bylaws, has been to promote the dissemination of scientific chemical knowledge through the maintenance of robust editorial activities."
Veja o editorial na íntegra para o JBCS, escrita pela presidenta Rossimiriam Freitas e pelo presidente sucessor Fernando Carvalho, da SBQ.