1. Funding opportunities - RSC
The RSC provides a range of grants to support academic researchers such as grants for scientific meetings and travel, grants for international research visits, grants for chemicals and equipment, and bursaries for undergraduate summer projects. In view of the continued restrictions on holding physical events and on travel, CBID members may be interested in the following schemes:
• Research Fund – up to £4000 to members with limited access to research funds to start new projects, particularly those working in less well-funded institutes, those in developing countries and early career researchers. We will be running another round of applications in spring 2021, and will broaden the scope to include funding to mitigate the impact of research disruption.
• Researcher Development Grant – up to £250 for PhD students and postdoctoral researchers for development activities. Examples include (but are not limited to) virtual conference registration, training courses and organising virtual meetings. Applications will be reviewed on a monthly basis.
• Undergraduate research bursaries – bursaries to fund 6–8 week undergraduate summer research placements in chemistry-related research areas, for both lab-based and remote projects. We have made changes to our scheme in response to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, making it more flexible to reflect current uncertainties.
Fonte: Elizabeth Magalhães RSC