1. Processo seletivo para o Mestrado Profissional em Química em Rede
Nacional (PROFQUI)
O Programa de Mestrado Profissional em Química em Rede Nacional (PROFQUI), nos termos das Resoluções 01/2006 e 02/2006 do CEPG/ UFRJ e de acordo com o Regulamento do Programa, torna público que estarão abertas, de 29 de agosto a 16 de outubro de 2023, as inscrições para a seleção ao curso de Mestrado Profissional em Química em Rede Nacional, turma de 2024-1, que será conduzida pela Comissão de Seleção conforme as normas descritas no edital 1036.
Mais informações
2. PPGQ/UFG com inscrições abertas para ingresso no mestrado e doutorado com nota do EUQ
O Programa de Pós-Graduação em Química (Conceito CAPES 6), do Instituto de Química da Universidade Federal de Goiás, está com inscrições abertas para o ingresso no mestrado e doutorado, em 03 (três) períodos de seleção: calendário 1 - de 11/09/2023 a 30/09/2023, calendário 2 - de 01/10/2023 a 30/11/2023 e calendário 3 – de 01/12/2023 a 31/01/2024.
O processo seletivo utiliza a nota do Exame Unificado de Química (EUQ): https://euq.sbq.org.br/
Também é necessário que o(a) candidato(a) tenha realizado exame de suficiência em Língua Inglesa.
Maiores informações e o Edital podem ser obtidos no site https://ppgq.quimica.ufg.br/
Fonte: Rafael Pavão das Chagas (UFG)
1. Postdoctoral Research Scientist in perovskite solar cells
The group of Prof. Carlos F. O. Graeff at Faculty of Sciences from São Paulo State
University (UNESP), in Bauru (Brazil), is looking for 1 postdoctoral research scientist.
The application deadline for the positions is 27/10/2023. The candidates are expected to
design, produce, and characterize perovskite solar cells (PSCs).
About the Project
The current project aims on comprehending the degradation mechanisms involved in
PSCs, and on finding solutions to overcome the stability issues of these devices. Based
on this premise, several chemical and physical aspects will be investigated which
includes: synthesis of different perovskite light harvester materials, analysis of interfacial
and defects phenomena, search for optimal electron and hole transport layers materials,
use of promising novel techniques for materials and devices characterization and novel
device configurations. These investigations will converge toward the primary objective
of this work, which it is to propose more stable and more efficient PSCs.
Key project aims
I. To optimize perovskite compositions to minimize defects during crystallization
and thin-film deposition steps.
II. To design novel electron and hole transport layers as alternatives for the
currently low stable used materials.
III. To characterize the structure, morphology, and optical properties of
nanomaterials as active components in PSCs.
IV. To study defects and their effects on PSCs by using advanced spectroscopic and
electrical techniques such as photothermal deflection spectroscopy (PDS) and
Requirements and how to apply
- Ph.D. in Physics, Materials Science & Engineering, Chemistry, or related areas.
- Experience in fabrication and characterization of perovskite solar cells is necessary.
- Experience on a variety of film deposition methods (blade-coating, roll-to-roll, spraycoating, etc) will be positively evaluated.
- Previous experience with the characterization techniques PDS or CELIV is a plus.
- English knowledge (fluent in writing and speech).
Each selected candidate will receive a post-Doctoral fellowship from the São Paulo
Research Foundation (FAPESP) in the amount of R$ 9.047,40 monthly and a research
contingency fund, equivalent to 10% of the annual value of the fellowship that should be
spent in items directly related to the research activity.
Candidates should contact Prof. Carlos F. O. Graeff (carlos.graeff@unesp.br) with a brief
statement of research interest/cover letter, a CV, and contact information of 2-3
references. Students in their final year of Ph.D. training are encouraged to apply.
Fonte: Carlos Frederico de Oliveira Graeff (UNESP)
1. The 2024 Chemistry for Climate Action Challenge is now open. Apply now!
The 2024 Chemistry for Climate Action Challenge is now open. Apply now!
The Elsevier Foundation Chemistry for Climate Action Challenge is jointly run by the Elsevier Foundation and Elsevier's chemistry journals team. The Challenge is open to individuals and organizations whose projects use green and sustainable chemistry solutions to tackle some of the developing world's greatest sustainability challenges. The winning projects will receive a prize of €25,000 each. Proposal can be submitted until the 13th of November 2023.
More details.
Fonte: Maria Jose Davila-Rodriguez (Elsevier)