1. PPGQ/UFG com inscrições abertas para ingresso no mestrado e doutorado com nota do EUQ
1. Pos-Doc FAPESP em Ecotoxicologia Aquática e Terrestre
The Laboratory of Ecotoxicology and Applied Ecology, within the Department of Hydraulics and Sanitation (SHS), at the School of Engineering of São Carlos (EESC), University of São Paulo (USP), through the Thematic Project entitled "Fate and impacts of microplastics and pesticides in aquatic and terrestrial matrices in agricultural contexts", funded by FAPESP (Process No. 2022/1204-4), is opening a selection process for hiring a postdoctoral researcher, on a full-time basis. The Thematic Project is under the responsibility of Professor Cassiana Montagner, from the Institute of Chemistry at UNICAMP (Campinas), but the candidate will carry out their research activities under the supervision of Professor Evaldo Espindola, from EESC/USP, in São Carlos, São Paulo, interacting with researchers from USP, Unicamp, Unesp, and UFSCar.
Contract period: 12 + 12 months
Competitive postdoctoral salary: R$ 9.047,40 per month
Funding: S& atilde;o Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP).
Deadline for application: 31/05/2024.
Starting date: expected in August 2024.
For further information, please contact Prof. Evaldo Espindola (elgaeta@sc.usp.br).
Fonte: Cassiana Carolina Montagner (IQ-UNICAMP)
2. Bolsa de pós-doutorado (PDPG-PÓS-DOC/CAPES) - UEPG
Encontram-se abertas as inscrições para o processo seletivo para 1 (um) bolsista de pós-doutorado (PDPG-PÓS-DOC/CAPES) para atuar no Programa de Pós-graduação em Química da UEPG.
O Edital 05/2024 está disponível na página do PPG-Q (https://www2.uepg.br/ppgquim/editais/).
O e-mail para contato para demais úvidas e informações é: ppgaselecao@gmail.com.
Fonte: Jacqueline Aparecida Marques (UEPG)
1. Emerging Investigator Lectureships - Royal Society of Chemistry
A Royal Society of Chemistry lançou recentemente três Emerging Investigator Lectureships, para as revistas Analyst, JAAS e Lab on a Chip (pioneiros da miniaturização).
O prazo para nomeações para todas é 14 de junho.
Veja as notícias correspondentes nos sites das revistas e nas diferentes plataformas sociais. Divulguem!
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Lab on a Chip:
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Fonte: Elizabeth Magalhaes (Royal Society Chem)
2. Royal Society of Chemistry Sustainable Laboratories Grant aims to accelerate the chemical sciences community's journey to environmentally sustainable research and innovation
Royal Society of Chemistry Sustainable Laboratories Grant aims to accelerate the chemical sciences community's journey to environmentally sustainable research and innovation
Funding is available for initiatives and activities that achieve one or more of the following aims:
- Advance understanding of environmentally sustainable laboratory practice
- Increase the take-up of environmentally sustainable laboratory practices in the chemical sciences
- Facilitate sharing of best practices
Check details of applications here:
Sustainable Laboratories Grant (rsc.org)
Fonte: Elizabeth Magalhaes (Royal Soc Chem)